


  • Identify and circumscribe the ethical questions posed by scientific advances to health and society
  • Take into account an issue in all its complexity: scientific, philosophical, legal, societal, etc.
  • Choose studies and data on the subject as exhaustively as possible. Analyse them in a rigorous and critical way
  • Consider uncertainties and doubts with humility
  • Confront principles and ideas, whether from experts or from individual and collective experience
  • Make the meaning and complexity of the issues at stake in an ethical question intelligible. 
  • To share the fruit of our reflections with political leaders, professionals, the media and the public.
  • Establishing a continuous watch on current scientific events and emerging issues.

Our reflection is based on benchmarks - values - and on the most lucid possible assessment of the benefits and risks of scientific advances for all living beings, today and tomorrow.


Our thinking is based on benchmarks, none of which, except for the protection of human dignity, is a priori superior to another. Failure to respect this value could lead, for example, to the commodification of the human body, which is prohibited in our country. These benchmarks are the values on which our society is based, the "living together" :

  • the guarantee and protection of human dignity 
  • freedom and autonomy, 
  • equality and solidarity, 
  • tolerance and fraternity, 
  • justice and equity…


  • Independence. The members of the CCNE are chosen not because they belong to an institution but because of their competence or their interest in ethical issues. 
  • Adaptability. We claim to take the "right amount of time" to carry out our work. We also know how to mobilise quickly to respond to urgent questions, as during the pandemic crisis on Covid-19.
  • Openness. Since 2019, we have been hosting the National Pilot Committee on Digital Ethics , whose role is to address the ethical issues of digital technology and artificial intelligence. Interactions with the CCNE are formalised by the presence of some of its members within the CNPEN, demonstrating the CCNE's interest in these technologies.
  • Partnership. Ethical reflection is a "living matter" that is constructed with other expertise and other views. We frequently meet with French and international ethics committees. We have established a privileged relationship with the regional ethical reflection spaces and the CNERER , which enriches our respective reflections and is reflected in the field through citizen debates. 
  • Transparency and dialogue. We produce different types of documents which are all accessible on our website. They are used to fuel the ongoing dialogue that the CCNE maintains with political leaders, civil society and the media
  • Diversity. The richness of the CCNE's work is due to the diversity of its members: doctors, scientists from different disciplines, lawyers, philosophers, personalities from the social and political world, and from the main philosophical and religious families, etc. They all contribute to a plural dialogue that is open to the world. 

It is on these principles that we build a relationship of trust with the authorities, our partners and civil society.