Accessibility: partially compliant
Accessibility Statement
The National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) is committed to making its websites, intranets, extranets, software, mobile applications, and digital urban furniture accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Services (DSAF), which supports DILCRAH, implements the following strategy and actions:
- Multi-year accessibility plan 2023-2025,
- The 2023 annual plan, including the achievements of previous years' plans.
For more details, read the DSAF Multi-Year Plans
This accessibility statement applies to
Compliance Status
The National Consultative Ethics Committee website is partially compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Guidelines (RGAA) version 4.1 due to the non-conformities listed below.
Test Results
The compliance audit conducted by Ethic First reveals that 69.09% of the RGAA 4.1 criteria are met.
Non-Accessible Content
- Titles of frames containing videos are not relevant as they do not specify the media type (video).
- Some texts lack sufficient contrast with their background, such as gray text on a white background for language selection.
- Some interface components lack sufficient contrast, such as form field borders or buttons.
- Some videos do not have textual transcriptions.
- The button for enabling full-screen video playback has no accessible label on the "News Page."
- Some links are not explicit enough.
- Certain interface components, such as the mobile navigation menu and tooltips, are not compatible with assistive technologies and/or keyboard navigation.
- Some pages lack relevant titles when pagination is used as the corresponding page number is not indicated.
- Some textual content is not always structured with paragraph tags, and some paragraphs are empty.
- The document structure is inconsistent because the search engine and breadcrumb navigation are poorly structured.
- Some lists are not correctly structured, for example, on the "Ethics in France" page.
- Focus visibility is not always clear, such as on the language selection button.
- Some form fields lack labels.
- Button labels are not always relevant.
- There is no skip link or quick access to the main content area.
- Downloadable office documents (PDFs) do not have accessible versions.
Establishment of This Accessibility Statement
This statement was established on February 10, 2025.
Technologies Used for the Website
- JavaScript
Test Environment
Content verification was conducted based on the RGAA reference framework, using the following versions:
- Firefox version 135.0 and NVDA 2022.1.
Accessibility Evaluation Tools
- ANDI (Accessible Name and Description Inspector);
- Colour Contrast Analyser;
- Web Developer extension;
- Developer tools integrated into Firefox.
Website Pages Subject to Compliance Verification
- Home ;
- Legal Notice ;
- Sitemap ;
- Accessibility ;
- Contact ;
- News ;
- A News Page ;
- Ethics Code ;
- CCNE Members ;
- A Member Page ;
- Projects ;
- Medicine Theme ;
- A Publication Page ;
- Ethics in France ;
- International Ethics ;
- Search Results.
Feedback and Contact
If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the responsible entity of [Site Name] to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another format.
- Send a message via [Online Form URL];
- Contact [Responsible Entity Name and Contact Details].
Recourse Procedures
If you encounter an accessibility issue that prevents you from accessing content or a functionality, report it to us. If you do not receive a satisfactory response, you have the right to file a complaint with the Defender of Rights.
Available options:
- Submit a complaint via the Defender of Rights form.
- Contact a Défenseur des droits Delegate in your region.
- Send a letter (postage-free) to:
Défenseur des droits, Libre réponse 71120, 75342 Paris CEDEX 07