

The CCNE was created in 1983 after the birth of the first French baby by in vitro fertilisation. This feat of medical technology raised awareness that the whole field of procreation had been turned upside down. It seemed essential not to leave the questions of scientific progress to scientists and doctors alone and to open up the reflection on the consequences of scientific progress to jurists, philosophers, major State bodies, cults, etc. 

The beginning of the 1980s thus saw the emergence of a new awareness of the need and urgency for collective reflection in our country, nourished by debate and confrontation. This ethical reflection will be constantly renewed on constantly evolving themes. 

 Many frontiers in the knowledge and technology of living beings have been and continue to be crossed at an accelerated pace. This is true in all areas, from the genome to stem cells, from neuroscience to reproductive technologies, and more recently in digital technology and artificial intelligence.

All these advances raise hopes for better prevention and treatment of serious and disabling diseases, such as those linked to ageing or disability, for overcoming suffering, and for further extending the possibilities of procreation. They also raise the question of the limits of man's power to intervene in himself, nature and our civilisation: how far can we go and in the name of what? How can we distinguish between what is possible and what is acceptable for the future of man and the planet? 

The role of the CCNE is to provide decision-makers and the public debate with useful information on the ethical stakes of this progress. Our approach is based on a method, values, principles and an organisation.